The Universal Peace Enforcement Organization was formed in secret in 1962 when the United States realized it possible to leave the Earth's atmosphere. Fearing the possibility of hostiles from foreign galaxies president Kennedy made it a priority to have a defense incase of an attack. President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 and being the only person other than elite Air Force and Navy men knowing of the project it was up to Brigadier General Gregory "Falko" Moore to see that it was assembled. By 1965 under the enormous rigid airship (blimp) hangar #12 the first UPEO headquarters was established. Hangar 12 housed their flagship airship the SR-71 Blackbird. The reconnaissance jet wasn't painted however so the grey and orangeish colors on the plane became the offical UPEO colors. Two and a half decades later the organization still hadn?een used, though it?tockpile of weapons and aircraft grew and evolved into the most sophisticated warfare devices ever. So during a conflict in October of 1999 the UPEO branch of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was called in to deal with the rivaling companies General Resource LTD. and Neucom INC. During the three month long conflict the UPEO really showed that they were meant to be the new United Nations and NATO air force. Though some doubt the UPEO?bility to handle an extra-terrestrial crisis they strike new fear into the hearts of terrorists and dictators everywhere. The world nations are currently at peace because of the presence of the Universal Peace Enforcement Organization. |